Hurray for you if you understand the title of this post. I’m referring to “fit” in the athletic sense, not in the “hot” British sense.
So yesterday I biked to the gym! Yay! It makes perfect sense! I am, according to, two relatively flat miles from my gym, so I now have the perfect warm up and cool down! On super hot days it might be a bit much but yesterday it was perfect!
To refuel, I had another lovely lunch on the decksie.
First I had a beautiful salad:

I threw my leftover veggies (yukon gold taters and snow peas) from Mon Ami Gabi in the oven, along with some sliced up shroom. Atop mixed greens, with homemade bread on the side. Yum!
For protein, more veggie nuggets

With my preferred condiment of hot sauce.
All together, with fab homemade iced tea, yogurt, and sunshine!

For dinner I invited my friend over and I threw this together in legit ten minutes:

And it was CRAZY GOOD! That’s soba noodles, snow peas (just baaarely cooked, I threw them in for the last minute with the noodles) and shrimp (not delicious and fresh like the H Mart stuff last week- thawed frozen from Costco, but it was still good). I made sauce with PB (2 T?), sesame oil (1 t?), soy sauce (2 T?), seasoned rice vinegar (1/4 c?), chili garlic paste (2 t?) and… think that’s it? I wanted to go mild cause I couldn’t remember if my friend Indu liked spicy food—it turns out she LOVES it, so I could’ve gone all out.
I had mine with copious amounts of Sriracha :D
For breakfast this morning, I was fueling up for a hike, so I wanted energy food! Enter pancakes, fruit salad, and a big cuppa coffee!
The fruit salad was pineapple, apple, and banana, sliced, along with extra juice that had accumulated in the pineapple tupperware. I had one of my pancakes with hot raspberry preserves, and the other, because I was craving something really savory for some reason, with a FRIED EGG ON TOP!
Flowing yolk= HEAVEN!
And then I was still hungry, so I had one more little one.

These were, incidentally, buckwheat pancakes made from a mix I got in NC. They are yum!
Then I went for a hikesy! We went to Sky Meadow, which is a bit west of here in the more boonies part of Virginia. Look, scenery!

Today it was sunny, breezy, in the mid-seventies… PERFECT!
We hiked probably 5 miles total?

The only thing I was bummed about was that it wasn’t time of the year that the WILD BLACKBERRIES are ripe.

This was the first time I used TRAIL mix for its stated purpose. I had forgotten how great it is for the kind of quick energy burst you want when you’re hiking!
I was grateful for the energy burst, because we ended up hiking for about two and a half hours.
Going over little climby stairs…

Going up WICKED STEEP hills (those little ants at the bottom are my dad and stepmom)
I was happy to refuel with some Subway!
That’s sweet onion chicken teriyaki on nine grain whole wheat bread with a wee slice of pepper jack, spinach, green peppers, hot peppers, and tomatoes. SO GOOD!
The dog was sulking because he wanted human food too. He hates dog food!
Now we’re off to our friends for dinner. I made this and the house smells aaaaaaaawesome.